Yongheshan reservoir dries up, revealing long-submerged buildings

Parts of Taiwan are still suffering an unrelenting drought. In Miaoli, Yongheshan reservoir has dropped to unprecedented low levels, revealing the relics of history. Ruins of old buildings, including a temple to the Earth God, have appeared above water for the first time in 40 years.

Yongheshan Reservoir in Miaoli has all but dried up. Taking a walk over the parched landscape, you come upon Yong'an Bridge, now visible after 40 years underwater.

It looks sturdy despite decades submerged. The sight brings locals mixed feelings.

Lin Chi-chun, Toufen resident
I had never heard tell of a bridge near here. So I feel a lot of grief in my heart, but it's beautiful as well.

Yong'an Bridge was once the route over the river for the local village. When the reservoir was built, the village moved, and the bridge was submerged. In this unprecedented drought, however, both bridge and village are seeing the light of day again.

We met a number of local people exploring the reservoir bed and the resurfaced Earth God temple.

Member of public
It's so rare to see these things resurface. I never knew there were buildings under here.

The ruins of these low brick houses are all underwater normally.

Member of public
I saw online a photo. It's unusual for the water to be so low, so I came out to see. This is once in 50 years.

The unrelenting drought has brought back the relics of history that lie under Yongheshan Reservoir. It makes for a trip back in time, but locals say they would rather have the rain back ASAP.


永和山水庫乾涸見底 永安古橋重現天日




[[頭份市民 林桔春]]





