President Tsai attends Holocaust Remembrance Day event

Government officials marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Thursday, in an event that was postponed from January due to the pandemic. The ceremony was attended by President Tsai Ing-wen as well as the de facto ambassadors of Israel and Germany.

Tsai Ing-wen, president: For us in Taiwan, this responsibility starts with confronting and understanding Taiwan’s authoritarian past. It demands that we work diligently to protect human rights. And it requires that we never compromise our commitment to democracy. Today, across the world we are facing a resurgence of authoritarianism, populism and extremism. This worrisome trend highlights the importance of global cooperation to advance human rights and democracy.
Omer Caspi, Israeli representative to Taiwan: It is hard to imagine that only 80 years ago my people, my family members were helplessly slaughtered. It happened indeed. And it is our responsibility as human begins to make sure that such atrocities will never happen again.

Thomas Prinz, German representative to Taiwan: These are the values we have to stand for, values we should never take for granted. That is the reason why Taiwan democracy in this very specific international environment is a good place to commemorate the Holocaust Memorial Day.

During the event, officials lit six candles one by one to honor the 6 million Jewish people were murdered by the Nazi regime. President Tsai has attended the remembrance event every year it’s been held, with the exception of 2019, when she was represented by then-Vice President Chen Chien-jen.