Semicon Taiwan, the annual world-renowned semiconductor event, has opened its doors in Taipei. This year’s edition boasts 3,700 booths from 56 countries, and is expected to attract a record 85,000 visitors. Among the officials at the opening ceremony was Premier Cho Jung-tai, who said Taiwan was riding the global AI wave. According to the Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Alliance, AI will usher in a 20-year golden era for Taiwan chips.

Premier Cho Jung-tai stands with diplomats from the U.S., U.K. and Germany among other officials, to kick off Semicon Taiwan in Taipei.

Ajit Manocha
SEMI president
Without semiconductors, we don’t move. Semiconductors is the foundation to humanity, while it is a foundation to almost every industry in the world. And that’s where the role of Taiwan is so important.

Nicky Lu
Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association
These investments are more than just a company’s business decision. They symbolize Taiwan’s commitment to fostering international collaboration.

The Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Alliance says that, amid the rise of AI, the next 20 years will be a golden era for Taiwan. This year’s Semicon Taiwan features exhibitors from 56 countries and 3,700 booths. It is expected to attract 85,000 visitors. That’s the biggest edition of the convention to date.

Cho Jung-tai
The highway was packed with cars, since more than 80,000 people were coming to this event. The recent Computex Taipei was also very big. These all show Taiwan is marching forward in the global AI wave. As long as the world sees Taiwan, we will have a golden era lasting 20 years or more.

The Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Alliance estimates that the market will have a compound annual growth rate of 24% by 2030. Taiwanese companies are expanding overseas, to increase their visibility in international markets. The American Institute in Taiwan took part in the exhibition for the first time this year, which some have taken as a sign of deeper tech cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S.

J. W. Kuo
Economics minister
Semiconductor businesses from all over the world will inevitably gather here in Taiwan. The government’s position is to help companies find the best clients. Here in Taiwan, we are dedicated to satisfying their manufacturing needs.

Some analysts have previously voiced concern about the impact of geopolitical issues on TSMC’s operations, as well as the company’s struggles in setting up shop in the U.S. The economics minister stressed that companies make the decisions they judge are best. He echoed a statement from former TSMC CEO Mark Liu, who said that Taiwan’s industry would only be able to reach its full potential by aiming for the world.

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