A bipartisan congressional delegation is set to visit Taiwan this week. According to Nikkei Asia, the group will be led by Ami Bera, the top Democrat in the House Indo-Pacific subcommittee. After arriving on Wednesday, the lawmakers will meet President Tsai Ing-wen and President-elect Lai Ching-te. They also intend to meet senior members of the opposition KMT and TPP.

Shortly after his Jan. 13 victory, DPP President-elect Lai Ching-te met a senior U.S. delegation. Now more U.S. officials are expected to visit.

According to Nikkei Asia, the top Democrat in the House Indo-Pacific subcommittee Ami Bera will lead a delegation to Taiwan. He will be joined by lawmakers including Congressional Taiwan Caucus Co-Chair Andy Barr and Representative Mario Diaz-Balart. The delegation will arrive in Taiwan on Jan. 24, and meet President Tsai Ing-wen and President-elect Lai on Jan. 25.

A lawmaker set to visit separately is Mike Gallagher, who chairs the House Select Committee on the CCP. Gallagher is known for his tough stance on China.

Ho Chih-wei
DPP lawmaker
Over the past four years, Taiwan has received more than 3,000 foreign guests. Lai Ching-te’s election shows that we are choosing peace in the Taiwan Strait. I think that the discussions will center on maintaining the status quo and peace in the Taiwan Strait. What’s important is that we have bipartisan support from the U.S. They support Taiwan, and they support our democracy.

Speaking to the Nikkei Asia, Bera said the delegation planned to meet with senior members of the KMT and the TPP, citing the need to “have meetings with all parties.” The report also quotes Bonnie Glaser from the U.S. German Marshall Fund, who said it was extremely important for members of Congress to engage with Taiwan’s opposition. She said support from both of them was essential for continued increases in defense spending, passing special budges for purchasing weapons and other matters related to security.

Wang Zhin-sheng
Asia-Pacific Elite Interchange Association
The U.S. knows very clearly that it has to have more communication and build understanding with the KMT and the TPP, to prevent China from winning over and using the two parties. If China is successful, stagnation could occur in Taiwan-U.S. relations, particularly as bills are hindered in the Legislative Yuan.

Ahead of the U.S. delegation, lawmakers from Lithuania flew in last Sunday. Led by MP Matas Maldeikis, the 11-member group is in Taiwan to show support for the country.

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