During Spring Festival, families reunite and gather together. But there’s a downside to this: it allows viruses to spread. New statistics from the Centers for Disease Control show there were 6,787 emergency room visits related to flu-like illnesses in one single day, a four year high for this holiday period.

Huang Chien-Hua
NTU Hospital Emergency Medicine
During the Lunar New Year, our medical center actually has more patients. Because ordinary outpatient clinics are closed, our actual number of patients may be up as much as 40% to 50% more than usual. Especially on Day 2 and Day 3 of the Lunar New Year, numbers of acute and severely ill patients increase, so in addition to ordinary patients, staffing in intensive care units is actually very tight.

In addition to flu, patients with cardiovascular disease and gastrointestinal bleeding are also on the rise. Doctors said that due to recent large temperature swings, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, and other illnesses among vulnerable groups have been reported in the emergency departments.

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