Originally from Turkey, Metin Coskun once served as a chef in the Turkish embassy in Washington DC. He has now settled with his wife in Taipei. The couple opened their own Turkish restaurant with the aim of introducing local diners to one of the world’s top three cuisines. In February, it even earned a spot in the Michelin guide.

A mix of lamb and beef mince is formed into a long sausage and wrapped around a spit, its oils sizzling under the flames. The kebab is then rolled into a lightly toasted wrap and cut into bite-sized pieces before another visit to the grill.

Just before heading to the table, a sauce of tomato and yogurt is drizzled on top. Beyti kebab is a Turkish dish that can not only now be found in Taiwan, but has even earned a spot in the Michelin guide.

Metin Coskun
Turkish chef
I was thrilled when I got the Michelin recommendation. I was so happy when I heard. For a chef, getting into the Michelin guide is a huge achievement.

The chef responsible for this decadent beyti kebab is Metin Coskun. Born in Turkey, Metin began working in restaurants from an early age, working his way up from the bottom. When he was 36, he was invited to work at the Turkish embassy in Washington D.C. by the nation’s ambassador to the U.S.

Metin Coskun
Turkish chef
When I heard the news, I was excited beyond belief. Going to the U.S. was a dream of mine, and I realized it. I ended up staying there for five years.

While working in the U.S., Metin met and fell in love with Betty, a Taiwanese student at a language program. After winning her over with his cooking skills, the two decided to come to Taiwan after getting married to start a business serving hard-to-find Turkish food.

Metin’s wife
Meze, the cold appetizers, are healthier and lighter than grilled meat, so I figured it suited my own taste. So I thought if we came back to Taiwan we could try selling it, since it isn’t common here.

Along with French and Chinese, Turkish food is considered among the top three in the world. Metin is doing his best to promote the cuisine, introducing his homeland to others through food.

This story was provided by the program "We Are Family"
Funded by New Immigrant Development Fund

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