The 2024 Taiwan International Festival of Arts is back in action, featuring a total of 14 performances from Taiwan and abroad.One play, titled "This Is Not an Embassy," aims to introduce Taiwan’s complex political situation to the world. FTV reporter Stephany Yang has more.

A former diplomat, Taiwanese digital activist,and musician tell stories of Taiwan’s political and diplomatic history.

The 2024 Taiwan International Festival of Arts is back in action. This stage production, titled "This Is Not an Embassy," is a joint production between Taiwan’s National Theater and Concert Hall and Germany’s Rimini Protokoll, and Switzerland’s Theatre Vidy-Lausanne. Teams worked together for two years to produce the work. They interviewed diplomats, soldiers, and secret agents to learn about Taiwan.

Stefan Kaegi
This is a project that tries to portray how Taiwan has a complex situation in the world. Being a country not recognized as a country and I find that the Taiwanese have found so good and creative solutions of how you manage to put themselves on the map through creative forms like NGOs, civil society, from people-to-people, and culture actually can do this as well. So, we made a project that set up embassies in countries where you don’t have a real embassy for the duration of a performance. This has created a lot of human bindings.

Liu Yi-ruu
NTCH artistic director
Should we be called Taiwan or the Republic of China? What should the national flag look like? This has different meanings and notions for people of different eras. We are introducing the complex political situation of Taiwan to people in the world. But at the same time, we are showing the greatness of Taiwan. Everyone can have their own beliefs.

The show will be performed in Taiwan from April 12 to 14. It will also be performed in Switzerland, South Korea, Germany, France, Australia Spain, and other countries. Each production will be tailored to the country in which it is performed.

Caroline Barneaud
Theatre Vidy-Lausanne
Director of artistic projects
Each time we will perform in a new city, we will open a new embassy of Taiwan for the duration of the show. For all these openings of new embassies, we will adapt the show to the local situation. Each time, we have to reflect on the local stories and the local connections to Taiwanese history to Taiwan situation, and also to China.

During the festival, there will be a total of 14 performances. The performing groups and artists hail from Taiwan, the U.S., Japan, Germany, India, Switzerland, Spain, Ukraine, South Korea and Australia, among other countries. The 2024 Taiwan International Festival of Arts will run till May 11.

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