Taiwan plans to expand its plastic bag ban. Currently, the Ministry of Environment prohibits supermarkets and convenience stores from giving out free, single-use plastic bags to customers. It wants to extend the restriction to breakfast shops and vendors at traditional markets and night markets. A proposal will be released as early as next year.

Lee Yi-hua
Resource Circulation Administration official
This year, we’ll be having discussions with relevant businesses, such as vendors that issue invoices, and those at traditional markets and night markets. We’ll see if there’s a chance to further reduce the use of plastics.

Stall owner
This will be an inconvenience. Customers are used to having plastic bags.

Stall owner
Oh well, it will save us money.

Member of public
Consumers can pay for their own bag. Actually I came here today on the spur of the moment. Usually I bring my cooler bag.

Officials say they’ll start by holding discussions with the targeted business demographic. The goal is to release a proposal by next year, and to ultimately phase out all single-use plastics by 2030.

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