A farmers’ group in Changhua has won fame for a volleyball tournament held in a rice paddy. The games in the mud began four years ago in Erlin Township. Now, the local teams have even been asked to appear in a commercial for a major sports brand.

A player falls but is straight back on his feet, only to flop on his belly again at the next hit.

These volleyball teams consist of local players of all ages. As they play, they are covered with mud from head to foot – and glowing with happiness.

This paddy field volleyball was filmed by an international sports brand for a commercial. The players had a special filming session for the brand, but in real life, these local farmers really are out here playing in the mud.

The tournament is normally held in summer, but on the day of filming, it was January and a cold snap. The players duked it out in just 10 degrees Celsius for about six hours. There were plenty of numb hands by the end of the day.

It all began here in Erlin Township in Changhua, when a farming association linked up with the leisure association to concoct a new marketing strategy. They wanted to hold a photogenic competition connected to the paddy fields. Four years ago, the collective brainstorming produced this paddy field volleyball project, which got everyone talking.

Wu Min-hsien
Douyuan Leisure Farm Development Association
Some people play volleyball in water, some people play on the beach. But no one else plays in paddy fields!

The sports brand’s slogan this year is “You got this.” It thought the image of amateur athletes rolling in the rice field mud would make an impact. For the farmers of Erlin, it’s a genius marketing strategy, a workout and a lot of fun.

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