Last year, the Third Special Police Corps acquired a new member: Taiwan’s first electronics detection dog. On Friday, the corps gave reporters a glimpse into how the dog, called Wafer, carries out its job. Wafer is able to find electronics such as mobile phones and hard drives just by sniffing the air. The dog came to Taiwan as a donation from a nonprofit organization and is now an invaluable member of the police force. Let’s hear from the nonprofit that made this possible.

Nate Davis
Operation Underground Railroad
We fund a lot of dogs. So, when we see a need that police has, which is usually a lack of funding, we have generous donors that donate their money to assist police. These dogs cost about US$15,000 per dog. Took the trainers from here from Taiwan and sent them to the U.S. for two weeks. So that’s where my organization will step in and we will fund that for them. We quickly agreed and we saw that Taiwan has that drive to combat human trafficking and has a very great reputation for these digital crimes, with cryptocurrency and with these new higher-tech digital crimes. It was a great partnership.

The U.S. has more than 100 electronics detection dogs in service. The Operation Underground Railroad focuses its efforts on combating child sexual exploitation and human trafficking. In these cases evidence found in electronics plays a big role in investigative processes. Two-year old Wafer was trained and donated to Taiwan free of charge as part of a Taiwan-U.S. cooperation plan.

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