Taiwan has unveiled the uniforms that athletes will wear at the Paris Olympics opening ceremony this summer. The team will be all suited up in blue, with threaded flowers on the lapel. The design was drawn up by Justin Chou, who worked with a team of craftspeople to get an outfit packed with the beauty of Taiwan.

Olympic shooter Yang Kun-pi and boxer Wu Shih-yi model the uniforms that the Taiwanese team will wear for the opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics. The dashing outfits grabbed the attention of the whole room.

Yang Kun-pi
Taiwanese shooter for Paris Olympics
This is my first time to take part in a fashion show. I am very happy and honored to wear the clothes for Team Taiwan and feel everyone’s affection.

Wu Shih-yi
Taiwanese boxer for Paris Olympics
In preparing for the competitions, I have always had the attitude that I must do my very best, and so I have been working toward that.

The uniforms were designed by renowned Taiwanese fashion designer Justin Chou. He worked together with artist Paul Chiang and Indigenous banana leaf weaver Aing Banday, who was named as one of Taiwan’s Living National Treasures. Also involved in the project was, Lin Pei-ying, an expert in threaded flowers and ambigram calligrapher Lin Kuo-ching.

Lin Kuo-ching
Ambigram calligrapher
I combined English and Chinese, so we have “Chinese Taipei” in one direction and “Jiayou” in the other. When people see our athletes compete, we’ll all cheer for them, saying, “Jiayou, jiayou, jiayou.” I think that combining the cheer with the words “Chinese Taipei” is really creative.

The designers voiced hope that the athletes will make it big. The suits are coastal blue with threaded flowers pinned to the lapels – the national plum blossom and rapeseed flowers symbolizing cheering on the team. The material for the team’s polo shirts is sustainable and contains negative ions, which allegedly help boost comfort.

Justin Chou
Fashion designer
Through our opening ceremony uniforms, we can show everyone that Taiwan has other great things besides bubble tea and xiaolongbao steamed buns. The fabric for the polo sleeves was cut to create random patterns. So when they are wearing them, they will look like a team, but everyone will look different.

With the blessings of Taiwan’s people, the national athletes plan to shine at the Paris Olympics.

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