COVID vaccine eligibility has been widened to include diplomats and athletes, effective immediately. The Central Epidemic Command Center made the announcement on Wednesday, saying that as many as 618,000 people across four priority groups can now get a free shot. The CECC also announced that 10,000 shots will be made available to certain people not on the priority list, including students enrolled overseas. These people will need to pay for the vaccine out of pocket.

Chen Shih-chung
Central Epidemic Command Center
Vaccine uptake is still very low. We encourage everyone to get a shot as soon as you can, if you’re eligible. You don’t need any special documentation for the self-paid vaccines. When you’re getting your vaccine, you don’t need to provide anything so serious as an affidavit. Just write out a reason for getting the shot, that’s enough.

Self-paid vaccines will offered starting next Wednesday, to nationals and foreign residents going overseas for work, study, or medical care. The cost will be capped at NT$600. Officials said the charge is not for the vaccine itself, but for clinic registration and shot administration.