Now for an update on the Polam Kopitiam food poisoning scandal. A fourth person has died in connection to the outbreak. The 40-year-old woman succumbed to multiple organ failure early Monday morning, after seeking medical treatment for nausea and vomiting. She brings the outbreak’s death toll to four. Two others are currently in intensive care, and one of them is being considered for a liver transplant.

In the Polam Kopitiam scandal, the first person to come down with severe food poisoning was Huang Shu-chun, after eating a rice noodle dish. She was recently discharged from the hospital after 22 days.

Hsiao Shu-chun
Food poisoning victim
My liver indexes have returned to normal, but my doctor has told me not to eat anything too greasy or salty. No instant noodles and nothing overly processed. Basically, I should try to eat more whole foods.

The food poisoning scandal’s third death was reported over the weekend, and a fourth emerged early Monday morning.

Chiang Wan-an
Taipei mayor
The latest casualty was a hospital patient. Her family did not wish to see her suffer, so they signed a DNR order and opted out of emergency resuscitation. She passed away today in the early hours.

This latest casualty was a 40-year-old woman who ate at the restaurant in Far Eastern Department Store Xinyi A13 in mid-March. She fell ill with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea and was admitted to Taipei’s MacKay Memorial Hospital. Doctors were able to stabilize her condition at first, but a worsening infection and multiple organ failure led to her death around 3 in the morning on Monday.

Voice of Chen Yen-yuan
Taipei health department head
Her lung infection worsened over the past few days, and her septic shock became more severe. There was no way to control the infection. The family was informed that her condition was irreversible.

To date, 35 cases have been reported in the food poisoning outbreak. These include four deaths and two people still in intensive care. One of the two is at Taipei Municipal Wanfang Hospital, and is showing signs of improvement following a liver transplant. The other, located at Neihu’s Tri-Service General Hospital, is still in a state of impaired consciousness. The patient is now undergoing an evaluation for a liver transplant.

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