In the latest round of Cabinet picks, one name that’s getting attention is Wu Cheng-wen, the next minister of the National Science and Technology Council. The minister-designate is currently president of Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology. He was also a star baseball pitcher in his youth. In 1971, he represented Taiwan at the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Pitching for the Tainan Giants, he helped Taiwan win the boys’ baseball championship.

Wu Cheng-wen
National Science and Technology Council minister-designate
We won the championship in late August. In October, Taiwan was forced to leave the United Nations. But Little League baseball was able to bring hope to Taiwan at the time. The championship also fueled the growth of Taiwanese baseball, bringing more attention to the sport.

Voice of Yeh Chih-hsien
Former classmate of Wu Cheng-wen
I feel that he made the right choice, because his physique never quite bulked up, and he wasn’t cut out for continuing baseball. I think he still loves the game. But leading the National Science and Technology Council is just the right job for him.

After making his mark in youth baseball, Wu took the advice of his parents and teachers, dropping the sport and focusing on his studies. He was accepted to Tainan First Senior High School, and later entered the electrical engineering department at National Taiwan University. Then he earned a master’s and Ph.D. in computer engineering from the University of California, before embarking on a career as a semiconductor specialist.

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