The high-speed rail workers’ union says its members may go on strike to demand better compensation. The labor union raised three grievances on Friday: senior staff earning less than new recruits, unfair wage adjustments, and annual bonus plans that fall short of union demands. A meeting with management is scheduled for next Wednesday. If no deal is reached, transport disruptions are possible during Spring Festival.

Voice of Chen Yu-ting
HSR union secretary-general
What we have been asking for all along is a four-month annual bonus, and for subsequent bonuses to be institutionalized. That is, we wanted the bonus to be a certain percentage of the company’s pre-tax earnings – the rate should be a certain percentage.

Chen Chien-jen
Employees have always been the most important asset of a company. There needs to be better coordination and communication between the HSR and its workers’ union.

Meanwhile Taiwan’s railway operator, which became a corporation on Monday, also faces discontent from its labor union. To protest staffing shortages and unequal pay, the union is working to organize an overtime ban over Spring Festival. If the ban goes ahead, it could create transport disruptions over the holidays, as employees refuse to engage in any overtime work.

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