An exhibition showcasing Polaroid pictures and cameras is on display at National Taiwan Normal University. Three hundred artworks created by 120 international artists are showcased, including Andy Warhol. FTV reporter Stephany Yang takes us in for a look!

Three hundred Polaroid works shot by 120 international artists are on display, including works by well-known artists and photographers such as Andy Warhol, Ansel Adams, and Andre Kertesz. The exhibition explores the works, film types, and cameras since the founding of Polaroid in 1937.

Pai Shih-ming
NTNU provisional office of art museum
The exhibition showcases Polaroid artworks by important European and American artists from last century, such as Andy Warhol and Ansel Adams. The simple actions captured by Polaroid cameras are far more artistic than what we imagine.

National Taiwan Normal University, the Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography in the United States, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Museum are holding an exhibition in Taiwan. The exhibition also showcases Polaroid models from the 1940s to 1970s. There are models such as the first folding single-lens reflex SX-70 and the Polaroid Big Shot. Visitors can also learn about the company’s history.

Pai Shih-ming
NTNU provisional office of art museum
In addition to bringing together so many photographic creations by European and American masters, it also presents the technological inventions of the Polaroid Company for more than half a century. The curator this time is a Canadian art historian, who looked at Polaroid works from more than 20,000 pieces collected by the company. They selected the most exciting and well-known works of more than 100 local artists.

The exhibit will be held till June 7 at National Taiwan Normal University.

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