Three people remain unaccounted for after last week’s deadly earthquake in Hualien. Two of them are a Singaporean couple who are thought to be near the 2.2-kilometer mark on the Shakadang Trail in Taroko National Park. Search operations continue in the area, though on Friday afternoon rescuers were interrupted by falling rocks. No injuries have been reported. Let’s hear from Hualien County’s Fire Department.

Wen Tsung-hao
Hualien County Fire Department
When we were carrying out search operations before, rocks were only falling on the other side of the river. But today, as we were on the job, rocks started falling from above on our side of the river. So we blew whistles to warn our colleagues and the rescue dogs to shelter-in-place.

And rockfalls also added difficulty in the search for the third missing person at a quarry in Xiulin Township. Some of the rocks damaged an excavator used to clear debris, delaying progress on the search. But rescuers have not given up hope, saying they will keep working to find all the missing people.

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