Taiwanese rock singer Wu Bai was recently in North America for his band’s world tour. He sang from Las Vegas to Toronto, pulling in massive crowds. At the end of his shows, the fans surprised him with a chant he never expected to hear in that part of the world. He chided his audience not to pick up bad habits from China, drawing laughter from the crowd.

With his charisma and powerful voice, Taiwanese rock star Wu Bai is beloved by his fans. As soon as he starts belting out his signature songs, his audiences invariably sing along.

Recently in Las Vegas and Toronto, Wu Bai brought powerhouse performances that lasted over two hours. Just when he thought he could wrap things up, it happened again.

Wu Bai announced that he was done for the day. Fans chanted back, demanding that he, quote, “do overtime.” There it was — a scene he never expected to encounter in Toronto.

This playful back-and-forth originated in the second half of last year, when Wu Bai toured 10 Chinese cities. His fans asked for encore after encore, chanting, “Do overtime!” Since then, the chant has been picked up by fans in Australia and North America. And to his credit, the long-suffering singer has kept belting out the tunes, making each concert a satisfying tour de force.

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