For the first time, the Society of Wetland Scientists’ annual meeting will be held in Taiwan this year. Scheduled for November, the event will feature talks by wetland professionals and researchers, as well as field excursions to Taiwan’s wetlands. FTV reporter Stephany Yang has more.

The 2024 Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting will be held in Taiwan in November. The society’s Asia Chapter and the Taiwan Wetland Society have put together an event program that’s centered on the theme “Wetlands and Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation.”

Susan Galatowitsch
Society of Wetland Scientists president
The topics that we will focus on at this meeting will include certainly many things related to how to conserve wetlands in urban areas in cities so that they are valuable to people and serve important functions. Also, we will be taking on topics related to climate change and how wetlands can store carbon. The best ways to make that happen. And then, certainly, something that I work on as well is climate adaptation. Basically, when we are conserving and managing wetlands, how do we take in to account the tremendous changes that will be happening now and moving forward in the next few decades?

The six-day event will feature talks by wetland researchers and professionals in the fields of blue carbon initiatives, sustainable resource use and development, net-zero emissions planning, wetland sciences, and community-led resilience planning. Organizers have also planned field excursions to several of Taiwan’s wetlands where migratory water birds reside.

Wu Tang-an
Deputy interior minister
The interior ministry’s National Park Service lists 58 important wetlands and marine areas in Taiwan. We also have nine national parks and one natural park. Scientists from all over the world can come to Taiwan to learn about our efforts in wetland conservation.

Susan Galatowitsch
Society of Wetland Scientists president
Why choose Taiwan? Certainly, the wetlands scientists who are based here in Taiwan have tremendous reputations and have been highlighting the importance of the work that goes on in Taiwan for many years. This is a great location to see some interesting how people are grappling with some of the most important challenges.

The society’s annual meeting will take place in Taipei and Tainan from Nov. 11 to 16.

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